A-Musings, HI from HQ

🦋 This year’s camp theme is…

Every year at camp: things are different. Not only because we each show up differently to every new experience; or because the expert line-up and schedule are thoughtfully curated for each gathering we do; or because the alchemy of who attends each camp is totally unique…

Every year at camp is a whole new experience because the story of this community is always evolving as time, its people, and the conditions we’re all living within, inspire it to expand into its next way of being.

Each camp has its own narrative – a story that reveals itself long after we save its dates and open registration. And this September’s Classic Camp story is ready to be written around the theme of…

This year’s camp celebrates metamorphosis: our natural transformation into a higher-evolved Self.

This Sept 19-22 – we’re unfolding…allowing ourselves to trust that our roots have helped us grow wings – so, together we can flutter off into the next chapter we’ll all shape and affirm at Classic Camp 2024!

We’re focusing on the mind and spirit of the life cycle: from caterpillar to butterfly; from small cub to mama bear; from the child you were, to the sage woman you are ever-becoming.

We’re nearly ready to share the expert line-up, but we’re especially thrilled to paint a colorful retreat canvas with wisdom around meaningful milestones, from birth to death.

At camp this September, you can expect to learn, deeply connect and grow around…

balancing your many priorities to spend more of you on what matters most; finding JOY as you ebb and flow; getting quiet enough to reunite with what (and who) is genuinely inside you; feeling full while empty nesting; sitting with your wisdom; and s’more more more.

We’re taking this glorious camp (our 29th women’s retreat) to witness and wiggle and shed and stretch and soar. To take a pause from practicing our resilience, and spend quality time marveling at it, so we can surrender to the experience of our own absolutely stunning metamorphosis that we were BORN ready for!

This one’s going to be powerful and colorful and all kinds of other things…You should probably sign up to be there. (I really hope you do!!)

From the campfire & beyond,

P.S. Upgrade Your Accommodations, If It So Calls
Sometimes butterflies transform in the comfort of a bunk, and other times they need a lil’ something more. Private and semi-private rooms available for upgrade at checkout