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A-Musings, Community

Celebrating International Women’s Day

by Campowerment Crew
 ∙ Mar 8 ∙ 8 Min Read

Though we hoot and holler about women’s achievements all year long, today, International Women’s Day (#IWD2018), is one more excuse to collectively raise our voices and continue to #PressForProgress (this year’s campaign hashtag).

How do we do that? By challenging bias and inspiring others to take action on behalf of women. By celebrating how far we’ve come. By getting real about how much more work there is to be done on behalf of gender equality.

It’s no secret this Crew is a vocal one, and today we’re using our voices to shout from the rooftops our praises for some of our female role models within our own community. There are thousands of women in the Campowerment Tribe who inspire us every day, so (please) allow us to gush about some of their achievements and honor their individual and collective triumphs, big and small.

Know someone whose name belongs on this list? We’re building it over the next week to celebrate women’s history month, and we invite you to tell us about the leadership achievements of a woman in the Campowerment community. Nominate someone you think should be honored this International Women’s Day (whose been to any of our experiences) by commenting here.


Dr. Tina Koopersmith: Camper, November 2017: We salute Dr. Tina for her innovative, holistic approach to Obstetrics and Gynecology at her West Coast Women’s Reproductive Center.  Tina is a pioneer, expanding her office’s physical space to bring innovative workshops and experiences to women in her community, focusing on wellness, fertility and self-care.

Julia Fisher Farbman: Camper, September 2017: Julia is the founder of the media and content engine Modern Hero, which has enjoyed millions of eyeballs on videos featuring powerhouse people doing big things. Julia has taken her experience as a Philadelphia TV Producer to share the remarkable stories of some trailblazing women…stories that have the power to move people into action, gratitude and conversation. Modern Hero has even profiled a few of our Campowerment sistafriends (like our CEO  Tammi and Empowerment Coach/Expert Andrea Quinn), because they, too, are strong forces worth celebrating (as are you ALL). Campers: check out Modern Hero and share their stories of positivity.

Carla Feely: Camper, November 2016, March 2017, November 2017: A forever-camp girl, when Carla first came to Campowerment, this retail executive spent a lot of time dreaming about creating a  job that didn’t exist yet.  Within one year (and three camp weekends), Carla landed her dream job at StichFix, a subscription service that combines technology and expert style to deliver boxes of handpicked clothing items to consumers’ doorsteps. Talk about the power of manifesting!

Velveth Dardon Schmitz: November 2016, March 2017, November 2017: Velveth is a no-nonsense community leader. A City Council member who left a big career in technology behind to help improve public safety and fix the drainage issues in her So Cal neighborhood, where her friends and family reside. Velveth takes her role as a politician very seriously, traveling regularly to the state capital to be the voice of the people in her community who are counting on her to implement change. She’s making the kind of difference we all wish we could. Go, girl!

Tina Zee: Camper, November 2016, March 2017: Tina’s getting ready to ditch the things that weigh her life down, walking away from a prestigious Corporate Leadership position and heading to Estonia, where she’ll practice the mindfulness she’s now certified to teach. Still not sure where she’ll go from there, Tina’s searching for a way to give back. She is an amazingly brave, curious, strong woman who’s taking a giant leap with no net. We tip our Campowerment sun hats to you, Tina!

Alix Tucker: Campower Ranger, March 2017, November 2017: Alix is a Campower Ranger and an Inner Circle leader who, in her day job, works as a Senior Finance Manager at Salesforce in San Francisco and is strong believer that The Future is Female. She is also setting her sights and giving back in the political arena…and we’re committed to being right behind her every step of the way.

Heidi Checkoff: Campower Ranger, 2014-2017: Heidi’s a mom of four who helps her kids organize Tools for School, providing thousands of backpacks for young students in her area (Cherry Hill, NJ) whose families could use support in providing school supplies for their children. In two weeks, Heidi’s organizing a bus to take people from Cherry Hill, NJ, to DC to join the students from Parkland, FL in the March for our Lives. We love Heidi because she always manages to spread her infectious spirit and positive attitude wherever she goes.

Meryl Russo: Campowerment Ranger, 2014-2017: After retiring from a big career in the entertainment world, Meryl got trained to facilitate grief groups at the Our House Grief Center in Southern California, helping those who are struggling with the loss of their loved ones. Meryl’s been volunteering at the Center for the past five years, and has helped dozens of people pick up the pieces of their broken lives and find the strength to carry on. Meryl is also the loudest Campowerment cheerleader in our Tribe, helping more women than we can count find their way to our Weekend Retreats…to re-ignite their lives.

Leslie Bourne: Purveyor of Campowerment-supportive experiences, 2013-2017, Camper, November 2017: At Fulcrum Adventures (the team that makes our ropes course at Malibu the absolute best), Leslie leads teams of strong men to be purveyors of the empathy that catalyzes people to take huge leaps. She’s the founder, the heart and the original soul that fuels their empowering team and program, reminding us that this women’s movement is not just about women for women, but so much more impactful when we can work with strong and empathetic men who can help us get to where we all are heading.

Mary Ann Ehlert: Camper, March 2016, September 2016, November 2017; To-be purveyor of a Custom Campowerment Program, March 2018: Mary Ann enjoyed a highly successful career in the financial industry when she decided to make a career switch. She founded Protected Tomorrows to serve families of the disabled. Having grown up watching her parents navigate the difficult waters of caring for and financial planning for her sister, who had cerebral palsy, Mary Anne built a national network of expert advisors, or “Advocates,” who all share her dedication to serving the families of individuals with special needs.


Kelsey DeSantis: Expert, November 2017: Kelsey is a badass veteran who joined the United States Marine Corps (USMC) at the age of 18. From 2007 to 2012, she was attached to HMX-1, the Presidential Helicopter Squadron as a Military Police K-9 handler working for both President Bush and Obama. In her spare time, when she’s not raising her toddler or running the Military Muscle Gym in Davie, Florida…or working on her masters degree in Public Relations…Kelsey helps out with veterans affairs at Nova Southeastern University. She’s committed to helping vets live life better. Kels: we salute you.

Sherry Olin Lemonick: Camper, March 2016, September 2016, November 2016, March 2017 September 2017, November 2017…nominated by Regitze Ladekarl (Camper, November 2016, March 2017, November 2017): “My sister from the moment I set foot at camp the first time. She is a woman of grace and action, always determined to help out and be there for everyone way beyond the campfire. Sherry Olin Lemonick: I love you with all my heart!” (Sherry’s a Philadelphia lawyer who’s been a hugely generous supporter of Give Her Camp, providing scholarships to a handful of deserving women who might not otherwise have  had the opportunity to experience Campowerment.)

Tammi Leader Fuller: CEO, and Chelsea Fuller: COO…nominated by Anne Sussman (Expert, all 21 Campowerment Weekend Retreats and many Custom Programs to date): “For making Campowerment the magical place that we all love. A place that empowers us to be our best selves, to conquer our fears, to connect on a deep level with other women. The place has changed my life and propelled me to a place where I am changing the lives of others. You women ROCK my world. I am grateful beyond measure.



Know someone whose name belongs on this list? We’re building it over the next week to celebrate women’s history month, and we invite you to tell us about the leadership achievements of a woman in the Campowerment community. Nominate someone you think should be honored this International Women’s Day (whose been to any of our experiences) by commenting here.


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