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Dear Campowerment, On Your 4th Birthday

by Campowerment Crew
 ∙ Jan 10 ∙ 4 Min Read


Dear Campowerment,

Oh my, how you’ve grown. When we first met in 2013, I had no idea how many birthdays we’d celebrate together. Someone told me I just had to build you, and fabulously awesome women would come. And they have. By the thousands.

And while I still can’t figure out how we’ve only know each other four years, or why no entity as powerful has ever come before you, I am so grateful to you, my dear Campowerment.

For helping me bring together the most kickass Tribe of incredible, purpose-driven women on this Earth, over 18 different weekends, from Malibu to the Poconos to the Catskills and North Florida.

We’re talking awe-inspiring people, mostly strangers, who took a leap of faith, and came together to crank up their pilot lights and stoke that fire burning inside them. To sing and dance and laugh and play and let go. To get uncomfortable enough to learn and grow from each other, and some of the smartest Experts in the land.

Gracias Campowerment. For showing me that anything is possible, when you go all in and put your heart in the driver’s seat.

On your birthday, I offer lots s’more thanks for hand-delivering my people to me in a space that has allowed us all to step outside the lines. I’ll never forget you…and hope I won’t ever have to!

Here’s to keeping the fire burning, today and every day, for many years to come. We’ve only just begun my friend, and I can hardly wait to see where the future takes us, together.

Love you like a sistah. xo

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My passion project, pride, and brand baby, Campowerment —

Oh how I love thee. I realized last night what four years has meant in my twenty-eight-year-young life, andI  landed somewhere interesting: between high school and college.

Through four years of high school, I felt my way through exerting my confidence; I found first love; I tried independence on for size; I got behind
the wheel of a car and drove my baby sister to school; I developed my style; I learned what I liked and questioned why. I had secrets (most of which I ended up telling my parents…because I was a dork, and I guess also because I knew my parents were cool and level-headed)… I became a leader in a way that felt right for me, but I mostly found my springboard to how to be on my own. The four years of high school prepared me for grown-up things that would shape and rock my world.

Then came the next four years — college, where I used my footing and jumped into action with all the lessons my parents instilled in me. In those next years I learned so many lessons — some so joyful, some challenging, some heart-breaking, all important, most notably: I realized I didn’t have to be on my own alone; it was just up to me to put myself somewhere…anywhere…everywhere to find who I wanted to be on my own with.

Those two sets of years were the real formative ones…and I think I am now realizing you, Campowerment, began in 2013 as what I consider a high school freshman. And now you’re a graduating senior, about to take your next step, and I am so excited…though, admittedly, a little emotional…about dropping you off at the dorm.

Through your next chapters, I am here to guide you with my co-parents (including one of my actual parents), but you have all you need to assert yourself in this world as the strong, beautiful movement that you are. Go on and get ‘em, slugger.

Happy 4th birthday, Campowerment…and thank you. What an honor it is to watch you grow.


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Campowerment campers range in age from 21 to 80+. Intergenerational friendships made at Campowerment continue + grow, long after the bugle blows.