You are a fighter, and you will make it.

Dr. Arabia is an Emergency Medicine Physician in NYC (Brooklyn and the Bronx) who has turned tragedy into triumph time and time again. Arabia spent the first part of her life challenged by homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, and detractors who told her she would never amount to more than a teenage mom. She showed them, even after suffering the traumatic deaths of both her infant son and her younger sister.

Unsure of how she would pay her way through medical school, Dr. Mollette applied for a scholarship that would fully cover her expenses to study medicine in Cuba, at the Latin American School of Medicine. She completed her residency at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and continued her career as an Emergency Medicine Physician.

She’s thrown much of her adversity into an outstanding career serving people whose lives ran parallel paths to hers.

To share her tools + insight with the world, she’s been podcasting since 2017 with The Visit — a medical health and wellness show. She’s also been featured in all kinds of press, and even more so since the COVID-19 pandemic began, during which she prominently and frequently shared the experience of working on the hospital frontlines.

Dr. Arabia has shared her story, and tangible takeaways on health, wellness, and the business of medicine with the 92Y, BET, Cheddar TV, Radio Andy (with Andy Cohen), Modern Hero, and more.