Feel at peace in your body.

Julie is a nutrition enthusiast dedicated to honoring the body with satiating foods and intuitive eating. A registered dietician on a mission to inspire healthy relationships with food and the body by taking a non-diet approach to nutrition and inspiring positive changes, one step at a time. Julie founded her South Florida private practice JuliENERGYnutrition, LLC in 2014.

To her practice, Julie brings a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics (University of Florida), and a Master of Science degree in dietetics (Loyola University Chicago). Julie has clinical experience at Mount Sinai Medical Center as an in-patient dietitian for those on the general medicine and ICU floors, as an out patient dietitian at Mount Sinai’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, and as a per diem dietitian at Oliver-Pyatt Centers, an eating disorder treatment facility, in Miami. 

In her office and via telehealth, Julie loves seeing clients for eating disorder recovery and for a “health at every size” approach to medical nutrition therapy (heart disease, diabetes, oncology, renal disease etc.). Julie also engages with the community through corporate wellness with speaking engagements, presentations and cooking and smoothie demos. 

For Julie, the real work is where the science meets the art of relationships, and most specifically the one shared among you, your body and food. When asked what she eats, Julie shares, “foods that make me feel good.” She appreciates the courage it takes for someone to tackle disordered eating and loves seeing the progress clients have in overcoming it.

Her favorite part of her job is educating her clients about the functions of food, dismantling diet culture and discovering a food solution that works well with each and every clients’ specific needs, dietary preferences, relationship with and tolerance to food! Think you have obscure symptoms or eating patterns? Bring it on! Meet Julie through Campowerment programs or learn s’more via her site, here.