Even when you’re taking care of the parent, remember that YOU are not the parent.

Lois, a retired (but still working short-term with Campowerment campers!) board certified psychotherapist in a private practice in New York City and Wilmington, Delaware, for the last thirty years has been a parenting consultant and therapist for a wide range of issues. Her most deeply satisfying work has been helping women transition from being successful career women to becoming career women who are also successful moms.

Long considered one of the first experts in “advanced maternal aged motherhood,” she is a Parents Choice Award-winning author, whose books include So Glad We Waited: A Hand-Holding Guide for Over-35 Parents, with a foreword by Academy Award-winning Actress Debra Winger.

Lois is now at the forefront of the next cultural need: confronting the inevitable End of Life. Certified in Integrative Thanatology (the scientific study of death and its associated practices) as a death education counselor, she brings her expertise and passion to the next developmental stage of life. Viewed through the lens of multi-generational parenting, she’ll address how to successfully and lovingly navigate human growth — from cradle to grave. We’re so excited to have her at Campowerment talking life cycle and how to cope!