HI from HQ

Lessons from a Beautiful Detour

Momsy –

We never thought you’d give us another sister, so in 2013 when you gave birth to Campowerment, you took our life on a beautiful detour. 

The last 10 years of your life — and with it, ours — have been marked by wonder and growth and a very wide extension of family. With sweat, tears and more laughter than anything else, we built a bubble of a movement that protects and expands, expands and protects, some of the best people and budding relationships we’ve ever heard of, with our family…most significantly, YOU…at the center.

When we set out to write a recap of your 6th decade, we realized that the lessons you’ve taught US (your kids) as grown-ups, are not so different than the ones you’ve inspired others to learn, with Campowerment as your classroom. That’s probably because everything you do you hold tight to your chest, allowing it to come directly from your heart to the world…no pit-stops. 

We kicked off your 50’s when we first moved our nuclear family to California, on a road trip up the PCH to read the journals in which you recorded our life. Now we tee up your 60’s with blank pages and infinite possibility, knowing these things that you taught us for sure:


Like the rest of these lessons, this one didn’t start in your 50’s, but it certainly became emboldened. You’ve always instilled the importance of dreaming and thinking about what we can bring into the world that the world needs now. You didn’t tell us that; you showed us, and have moved us to action ourselves. We’re loud and clear, Momma:

— Always know that you have (s’)more to learn, but never forget your worth.
— When something SHOULD exist and doesn’t, create it…now!
— Have faith that the Universe will help you find your way.


And the Thanksgiving table can *always* grow.

We are so blessed to have been born into the one we’ve got, but that doesn’t mean we can’t add a kids’ table (often full of adults) to each holiday gathering. Campowerment has given us a family beyond our blood and beyond the one that was beyond our blood before it (s/o to the Brenner’s and Rosenstein’s!). We’ll never stop supporting and collecting a community of incredible people that root for us as much as we root for them, and keeping our arms and hearts and eyes…and doors…wide open.


A salary is important, yes. But relationships are the only things we get to keep that really matters. (And we Leaders value a good story, too!) 


We’re weird as shit. Thank you, and your motley crew of silly friends, for showing us that’s a good thing. Untraditional doesn’t even begin to describe us Schmankman Juniors, and witnessing you embrace your weird has empowered us to embrace ours.

Our wish for you, Tata, is that your 60’s bring you the adventure, love, clarity, health and abundance that you inspire in us and in thousands of others who are lucky enough to be in your path.

You are an incredible person. (No one is quite like you, Tammi Leader!) And more, you are the best mommy that there ever was. For a million lifetimes, we hope you’re ours, but just in case this is all we’ve got, we need you to know: we cherish every moment we share, every one of the millions of mile-a-minute phone calls we exchange, every Billy Joel (Phil Long?) song you sing to us with your head to the sky and your eyes closed…all of it.

Happy 60th birthday!!!

We love you (MTLYL us),
Court and Chels

aka Your Gigi Girls