Today, we close the book on a chapter we called, a social experiment of sorts, born during a pandemic and nurtured during the “unprecedented times” that followed.
This one was created for, by and with a few hundred brave women (yes, YOU) who dared to dial in for virtual meetings where we’d bare our souls and redefine community as we once knew it, across many miles (and time zones, too!). Actually, looking back, it kind of sounds like science fiction! But we all know it was oh-so-real.
Now, as we say goodbye to Campowerment’s year-round membership experience as we know it, we have an overwhelming sense of gratitude to YOU; tremendous pride for the way we all showed up here; and (a lot of) really freaking awesome memories of times shared, connections made and grounding lessons learned. Together. (Our favorite way.)
Thank you.
Truly, we thank you, and we hope YOU thank YOU for being so honest, vulnerable, silly, loving, and open to possibilities you might not have seen before you stepped into this mix.
A lookback
We founded in October of 2020, following a 5-month stint of 200+ free programs that quelled the discomfort, fear, loneliness and all that came with the unknown, as we sat at home wondering, “is this pandemic really still happening? Will we be ok?!”
We saw how moved people were; we felt how moving the connections were becoming. So we put a stake in the ground and made it a tentpole experience we could all rely on and come back to, week in and week out. We built it; you showed up; and it came to life as you did.
Since that fateful launch, we’ve shared 980 live sessions (that’s almost 1,500 hours together!) across every area of life (balance, impact, joy, love & belonging, purpose, self-affirmation, spirituality)…and the dark little corners in between, looking for the light we hoped would illuminate the path!
Sometimes, you popped into a session to unlock a new part of yourself, sometimes to be back in touch with a part that faded along the way. Sometimes, to touch someone else with your wisdom, or share reminders that none of us is on this journey alone.
You often wore your heart on your sleeve, getting (really!) real with people you had never even eyeballed in person. Sometimes in your PJs. Sometimes in tears, or on days when you wanted to listen but really didn’t feel like coming to play, but you did anyway. (Love that!)
You followed our lead and honored breakout rooms as a space to break out. You showed up to sessions that felt safe because each of you agreed to check judgment at the door. Yes: you did that.
When you showed up for you, to fill your own cup – look how much you contributed to helping other people’s runneth over!
Imagine if the world could be more like that?! Imagine if you could help it get there. It can, and you can.
In yoga, they say getting to class is the hardest part. The rest just happens when you stay on the mat. So, stay on the mat, gf. We’re right here alongside you, at home in this community that lives through each and every one of us.
Thank you for your support, contributions, participation, life leadership. Thank you for being our people: our soul sisters, ‘round this red-hot, virtual campfire.
From said campfire & way, way beyond,
With so much love,
Tammi, Chelsea – and Meryl and Alli and of course our delicious Megan, who helped us make this whole thing happen!
P.S. Special shout out to Mal, Victoria, Brenda, our interns and every key player in building such a solid foundation for this thing, brick by beautiful brick.