The wildest imagination fails to paint the full picture of what a 4-day weekend at camp can do for your life. At each of these retreats — which take place at the finest kids’ summer camps in the country — 150+ women find home: at the naturally beautiful location that’s ours for the weekend. (Yes: private + semi-private rooms are available.)
Fancy Camps
Not a camper? We beg to differ. Set that pinky up & come along to Campowerment’s 5-star experience at a 5-star locale. It’s a 4-day weekend with a close-knit cohort of likeminded women, to catapult you into your re-ignited life.
Digital Community
live, interactive & expert-led programming to keep you ignited all year long is the digital membership experience designed exclusively for women to connect, learn and grow, as they take a quantum leap forward, together.
With live, interactive programming, a rich library of content to take in at your leisure, and 1-on-1 sessions with experts, it’s the way to “retreat” from the comfort of your own cabin, all year round!
Retreat Scholarships
Give Her Camp, Inc., is Campowerment’s sister 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides retreat scholarships to inspiring women.
Together with the Campowerment community, we fund, nominate and provide for deserving women to have the chance to live bigger, better and brighter, by sending them to Campowerment’s camp retreats.
Local Events
From The Woods To Your Neck Of The Woods
Every so often, Campowerment experiences pop up in cities and suburbs across the U.S. as “Mini Camps,” to bring a slice of what our full-on women’s experiences offer. At each event, we offer expert-driven programming, wrapped in fun & games, to inspire women to disconnect from routine and tap in to a community of purpose-driven peers.
Bit by bit, even if just a few hours at a time, each experience is built to catalyze growth so you, too, can #ReigniteYourLife. When we have one scheduled, we’ll share on our email & social, so scroll down and sign up to receive our notes…and follow us, too, wouldya??