What we do: expert-driven programming, powered by play, to provide YOU with real belonging to a community of purpose-driven people you’re proud to call your camp friends!
Central to what we do Is our role as expert of experts, a job I have loved, and one that allows me to leverage my 30+ years of experience as a TV producer, finding talent and honing in on what makes their hot take hot at all!
So, with Fancy Camp — the first-ever elevated Campowerment experience for the women in our world (and yours!), I had the pleasure of working with my team on taking an even more intimate approach to finding the thought leaders to invite to the helm. Because this time, campers get even more up close and even more personal with our five experts, who will not only deliver all programming to all campers, but who will each participate in one another’s programming throughout the long weekend.
How’d we pick this line-up of five rockstars? Read on!
Cyndie Spiegel is an Author (“A Year of Positive Thinking”), Culture Consultant and Keynote Speaker, and runs her career like she lives her life: focused on elevating women to evolve beyond the status quo, helping you find your way out of the boxes you’ve created for yourself. Cyndie’s founded powerful communities, most recently: Dear Grown Ass Women, dedicated to connecting and celebrating women over 35.
What woo-ed us? Cyndie’s real talk, and insight into how to own who you are and transform in to the lightning bolt in the room. She leads by example with her “personal power alchemy.”
We love how she inspires people…namely, women…to see how to take the alternate route of supporting each other and make the high road the main street. At Fancy Camp, she’s leading workshops on committing fully to being YOU (in all your glory), and on breaking the bad habit of “othering,” the practice of finding what makes us different rather than connects us. Cyndie will inspire our Fancy Campers to discover life’s inspiring truths in themselves and through connections to each other.
Then there’s Tasha Blank, DJ + Dance Catalyst, and kinetic force of glee and fury. She brings her fiery magic to the dance floor that she contends is every floor. A few years ago, Chels and friends in NYC went to The Get Down, a wild, mindful and freeing dance party that Tasha founded, and the rest was a chase that led to Tasha’s ecstatic dance and radical movement sessions at Campowerment in Sept 2017. Those who were there can attest to the way Tasha leads a hypnotizing ride into the heart. She leverages psychology and somatics to catalyze collective paradigm shifts towards healing, even when you are not quite sure what ails you.
I’ve never before experienced anything like Tasha’s gift that leads people to unload excess baggage through movement and music. At Fancy Camp, she’ll help us let go of all that keeps us small, guiding us to move through it by shedding what holds us back.
Speaking of what holds us back, we’re bringing in the big dawgs to this intimate, soul-charging retreat because we’re just plain OVER feeling any smaller than our grandest potential. So a fancy invitation to Janine Driver was the natural next step. I met Janine Driver when I was a TV Producer for TODAY and EXTRA. A former Law Enforcement Official whose talent for spotting deception made her the perfect guest to help our viewers interpret body language in a most unusual way, Janine riveted our audiences, who inboxed us after every segment, constantly asking for s’more. When Janine’s sharing her wisdom, you can never get enough…
She’s an International Communications Expert, the Founder + CEO of the Body Language Institute, a four-time TEDx Presenter, NYT Bestselling Author and regular media contributor…the “Lyin’ Tamer,” a human lie detector, who’s coming to Fancy Camp to share key insights on emotional intelligence, and mastering the confidence women need to own the room (any room). All I can say is GET READY.
I’ve worked with almost 100 experts in holistic empowerment, and no one is quite like Janine Driver.
And then there were two: Anne “Sussy” Sussman, and yours truly.
Anne Sussman is a meditation instructor and Mindfulness@Work Trainer who started meditating when she turned 50 because her stress had become “unimaginable.” After practicing her newfound daily meditation, the trajectory of her whole life took off, so she took off with it, going back to school (McLean Meditation Institute; Sedona, AZ) and founding Mindfulness Meeting Place.
If you’ve been to any of our camp retreats for women, you’ve met Suss (because, yes, she has been to all 24 camp retreats to date!), and you can attest to the fact that, like her practice…and yours if you stick to it…Sussy evolves her teachings at every engagement. And even more amazing: she swears that even if the teachings stayed the same (which they don’t), you’d experience them anew each time because you evolve at every engagement. Sussy can help you get there, even if you think you’re that one person who can’t get still enough to shut off the chatter and connect to your inner voice.
At Fancy Camp, Sussy will teach and lead meditations at every entry point…in still spaces *and* the farm’s walking labyrinth! She’ll help you discover a sort of emotional peace and quiet you might not be able to access on your own.
This time around, Sussy is going deep: walking Fancy Campers through how to be your own spirit guide with new ways to look at exploring the existence of your soul. (Mic drop…)
And me? I’m Tammi Leader Fuller, now a founder and a former Television Producer with more than thirty years of experience creating change through storytelling at the TODAY Show, NBC News and more. You’ve probably already heard this, but just in case, let me bring you up to speed in case you haven’t: After three decades as a journalist, in an effort to re-create my childhood happy place, summer camp, I took a leap of faith to found Campowerment, where “grown-ups” can grow and learn in a different way than was available anywhere else, to help them develop their full potential.
Interestingly, it’s turned in to much more than that, and for the first time ever, I am bringing the curriculum I have been crafting over the last year — the final year that my special mom (Grandy)/our Sacred Village Elder shared with us here on Earth — and I can hardly wait to share it with you. I’m leading journaling workshops on legacy, honoring Grandy’s work by delving into the impact YOU are making on your family, friends and others who will share your life’s story once you are no longer here with them.
At Fancy Camp, I’ll give you the tools to start to build and preserve the pieces of your life that will remind your people of what you stood for.
So, I leave you with this: With Fancy Camp, we set out to create an experience that defines the term transformational wellness, all dressed up like a spa experience, but with s’more of the powerful trimmings you won’t find on any other kind of girls’ weekend. We’ve built it so that Fancy Camp is personalized to fit this powerful group of looking to pamper your purpose and learn to embrace personal growth and development, together as a hand-picked cohort of exceptional women who we believe belong together.
We experts are ready to guide you through it, but first: you’ll have to sign up and show up, exactly as you are. Start by applying here.
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Fancy Camp: For the Exceptional Everywoman
Sept 10-13, 2020
Asheville, North Carolina
Apply today!