Have you ever tried telling a smart, empowered 10-year-old who she is, what’s important to her and how things are going to go?? How was that for you??
This January (10th, to be exact), Campowerment turns 10, and we – her mamas – are pretty in awe of who she is growing up to be.
It may sound strange: after all, she’s a business, a community…she’s not a human…we know. But she’s animate, she grows wiser with age and she teaches up: the more empowered she becomes, the more she helps us (and lots of others) understand ourselves and one another.
Now, as Campowerment turns tweenage, we see her fashioning herself a little differently than what we had anticipated. We are starting to see her as more than any of the traits we instilled in her…and that is awesome. (Parents: know the feeling??)
According to what we witness of her these days, Campowerment’s a profound wellness experience that helps people be the most present, connected and alive, together.
Maybe this sounds nuanced…obvious in how she’s always shown up to you…or something else entirely. But we see her growing up without growing old (Grandy helped raise her, and the apple doesn’t fall far!) and saying, “I am a retreat community for extraordinary women. AND I am a year-round string that holds incredible women together. AND I am a production studio for any epic group experience built on purpose – for men, women and all people who value lasting connection.”
Campowerment is, like we are, lots of things, AND she is completely herself, with a path she not only sees, but that has finally let her parents in on. (Phew! Guessing was wild. Happy to be here.)
And the kicker? She’s clear with us that her path can change; that it probably will in some ways; and that she’ll require our patience in her coming-of-age. In return, she’ll share her full self and her whole journey with us, and all those bold enough to keep buckling up and riding out the adventure.
So what does this all mean for the adventurous (YOU)?!
It means that…
💥 For the first time in a long time, we can see that Campowerment knows that she is many things to many people, but not all things to all.
💥 Ladies:* You’re invited to her W I L D 10th birthday Sept 28-Oct 1, 2023 in the Poconos, where we’ll host the one Classic Camp of the year…and go all out to make it well worth your journey to be there
💥 Ladies* who both can and cannot be there: You’re invited all year to step into a web of absolute joy and progress, connection and reflection, vulnerability, exploration, power and laughter…in community that happens to meet, conveniently, exactly wherever you are (online).
💥 Leaders, across + beyond gender experiences, who have the opportunity to gather groups of people around a shared mission, vision or values: You’re invited to invite us to plan you the most electric experience you can imagine – on or offline (or a little bit of both!).
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Anticipating the FAQ’s:
✨ Schedule From Here: As for how many retreats will we do a year from here, and where: Our custom business is bumping, and we’re growing to keep up with the magnificence of bringing this kind of contagious empowerment to lots s’more people who will make this world a more inviting place because of it. We don’t know what’s next, but we’ll keep you posted. How ‘bout that?!
✨ West Coast Classic + Fancy Camp: We don’t know when we’ll be back West or re-introduce Fancy Camp. In honesty, we imagine we will be, but we don’t know what that will look like or when, so if you want camp next year, hop on to what *is* planned. It’s going to be beautiful, and better if you’re part of it.
✨ Deal$: 2023 camp registration is LIVE *now!* And if you’re an early bird who commits now, you can land yourself a pretty deal ($150 OFF!) And if you’re a member of Campowerment.com, you can get yourself an even BETTER deal – any day of the year. Check your email for the details! (Missing info? Email us.)
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In conclusion:
The past ten years have been so real (the real-est!!), and have brought us, and allowed us to bring you, gifts we could never have even guessed could exist. And while our hunches were right on who Campowerment was, we could only see what was visible to the human eye…but the experience of it all all (even the sh*t stuff) has been even richer.
So, if 2022 was about clearing the expanded, regenerative path, then 2023 is about traveling it, together with people who get the meaning and value and beauty of gathering on purpose, in Campowerment’s way!
This (see above) is how we’re doing it. We enthusiastically invite you to join us. In other words: our baby’s turning 10 and we’re having *this* party – the door’s wide open – let yourself in ;)
From the campfire & beyond,
Tammi, Chelsea and the Campowerment Crew
*All who are called in to share in the feminine experience
**Lots of scholarships to come! Stay tuned…