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Women are unbelievable, amirite?!

by Chelsea Leader Gold
 ∙ Aug 17 ∙ 3 Min Read

“Women are transformative, we’re great mentors…and have been from the beginning of time.” “We’re the do-ers…” “And we all want to do something that matters…the world needs us to do something that matters!”

Tale as old as Mother Time! Knowledge, we believe, each of us inherently knows. So, what do we with that knowing?

Watch this, a lil’ video I just love…

…made with special zest by Gina, an intern with great many talents who’s been learning & growing with our Crew for two formative semesters.

Do you feel it? That somethin-somethin that’s created only in spaces for and by women?

We need each other at our highest elevation, babes. And if that’s not enough, the world needs us playing big up here.

Whatever way you keep the company of inspiring women out to discover and act on their purpose, keep that company.

We’d love to be yours.

find your purpose & your peeps, From the comfort of your “cabin” all year round

Learn, connect, grow, go deep, get out of your head and into your heart, journal, exercise new muscles, and keep accountable to your intentions in every area of life — all year ’round, as a member of, the transformational digital playground for women from all walks of life to belong.

Start today 

AND/OR go big and go home to ojai this november for the women’s retreat your soul’s been waiting (way too long) for

Four long, rich, beautiful days of self-care, mutual connection, synchronicity, belonging, huge friendship, pure love, big joy and life-altering re-ignition…with dozens and dozens of expert-led sessions, powered by play. 15 thought leaders at the helm, 100+ women to become your camp friends, magic that’ll last long beyond the campfire, this November 11-14 at a camp in Ojai, CA. Private rooms (and massages!) avail for those who need s’more than bunks provide. Check out the sample weekend schedule HERE!

Read all about November camp here!

AND/OR pamper your purpose in an intimate crew at fancy camp next may

Don’t fancy yourself a camper? Think again! The Fancy Camp experience takes 30-50 women to a magnificent guest ranch in Asheville, NC for four days of fabulous food, expert-led learning with five wisdom-dropping wizards who are fully embedded in the group and family homes with deluxe and private or shared rooms…and a spa that’s to live for!!! Check out the sample Fancy Camp schedule HERE!

Get the scoop on Fancy Camp here!

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Way-Fun Fact #16
Our campers travel from all 50 states, Brazil, England, Canada, Australia and wherever YOU’re from!