Hi, I’m Megan Weissman, and as one of the interns at Campowerment (lucky I know) I got to sit down with Rebecca Powers. And let me just tell you, her very telling last name is only the beginning.
Rebecca first found her footing within Campowerment’s gates when she registered to be among the first-ever Fancy Campers of 2020 (lol), and by the time Fancy Camp came to be (in June 2021), she was already a regular ‘round these parts, having made a ton of connections as a member of Campowerment.com.
June came & went, and we finally got to spend time with (and love on) Rebecca in person at Fancy Camp, which made such an impact on her that she was the first Fancy Camper to register for 2022!
Make like Rebecca and join us for Fancy Camp ‘22 at this link!
I’ll let our conversation take it from here…
Rebecca Powers [RP]: [After Fancy Camp], when I got back to Austin, I realized I did not know a single woman’s last name. I did not know what any of the women did for a living, and I had the most fabulous time. We got to share and feel safe in a way where there wasn’t an ability to judge because we didn’t know enough about the external pieces of each of us. That was profound for me.
And like many of us, Rebecca learned about how to ask for what she needs and take ownership in her life.
RP: I’m typically somebody who helps others. I never say no, but I don’t always ask for what I need. And so I’m focusing on asking for what I need in all aspects of my life and I think that’s a really good thing to start at my advanced age because it’s never too late. We need to be reminded that we do matter, we lead a significant life, and we are lovable and important. We all know that intellectually but being able to take action is a step further.
Now if you thought that was good, you HAVE to hear about Rebecca’s journey to write her book, “Trust Your Cape: How Women Find Their Power In Giving Back,” and how Campowerment played a surprising role.
RP: Ten years ago a boutique literary agency in New York City found me and said we know you, we know your story and we want you to write a book about starting Impact Austin [a non-profit organization Rebecca founded to strengthen Central Texas communities through high-impact grantmaking]. After a couple of months we realized that what my heart wanted to say was not what they wanted to publish so we parted ways amicably, and the pages I had written sat in my Hope Chest.
Then there was a Campowerment.com session called “Bestseller in a Weekend” with Alicia Dunams and I’m like, “Okay that sounds impossible, but I’ll go listen.” After she did her presentation she said, “I’m willing to give anyone a half hour free consultation to see if my process works for them,” and I’m like, “Well, I’ll talk to her for a half hour.” So that was in September of last year and in May I published my book. And I credit Campowerment in the introduction!
Then, as I was writing my book, Jennifer Lewis did a Campowerment.com session “What is Your Story,” from which I hired her to help me. As a result of writing my book, I have now begun booking engagements to speak to audiences and inspire women. So that was just another opportunity where Campowerment is helping me and I had no idea that would be the outcome.
All of this lets me know that I need to be here. And I don’t know who it is, but there’s somebody else out there that’s going to inspire me in the Campowerment family! That initial experience made me think that I do have a story and I get to tell the story I want, and now that I have, I feel like, “Okay! What’s next?!”
For those of you picking your jaw up from the floor, amazed at how Rebecca got this done, fear not! She has advice for those of us who so wrongly feel we don’t have a story to tell.
RP: We all have a story and we all have a voice and one of the things I remind myself often is that you have to use your voice even when it shakes, even when you’re nervous, even when you’re not sure what you’re going to say is anything anybody wants to hear. One lady who I met that was much further along in the book writing process than I was at the time, said, “done is better than perfect.” And for me, what that said was if perfect is what it has to be, I’ll never finish the book. I told myself if all it does is help my grandchildren understand where they came from and if I change one life, that’s cool. Once I didn’t allow myself to say,“I wonder if anybody will read this,” it let me focus on telling the story I needed to get out of me.
I don’t believe in coincidences and Campowerment came into my life when it was supposed to. So I am grateful for every part of it that has made my life richer and I took a leap of faith. I trusted my cape that it would be a good thing and I just find that the more I do that, the more I trust. And my cape is Moxie spunk and Grit…I named it.
During our conversation, Rebecca mentioned a song, Guy Clark, “The Cape” which you can listen to here. As the song mentions, “He never knew he couldn’t fly, and so he did.”
You can (and should!!) fly to snag Rebecca’s book here, and then join us in discussion about it, live with the author (Rebecca herself!) during Grandy’s Book Club, a monthly tradition on Campowerment.com — SIGN UP HERE. Not a member? Join for 2 weeks free!
To Rebecca: Girl: You are awesome.
Everyone reading this: you are, too. Become a camper — at a camp retreat, at Fancy Camp or online, so I have the chance to share how you re-ignite your life! If you already have lived that Campowerment chapter, email [email protected] and tell my team you want me to be your story doula! I’d love to share your story next.